…tears in rain.

…tears in rain.

I couldn’t stay away any longer. These past 2 years have been some of the most trying times once I got COVID…still, It’s time I come back to life again! So many things have happened, so many things have changed. NEWS FLASH: Our world is not the same awesome place it used to be when we were growing up. IKR!? If there has ever been a time when we needed to rely on each other, support each other and love each other, it has been these past few years, But instead, there has never been as strong adamantine division between us. It’s not even worth the effort to place the blame…the reality is: It is what it is and we must pivot, adapt and move on. It takes about one half of a second to fully realize the disadvantageous attitude of our world.

I always thought it was amusing in movies and TV Shows when the doctor would walk out of the operating room and address the family saying “all we can do now is pray” WHAT!? Since when has prayer been our last line of defense? It’s like “well, we’re screwed – so I guess all we can do is pray”. Prayer is the most powerful and effective tool we have and yet we often sluff it off. Right now, we need to be praying for our world, for our fellow man and wisdom. The best thing to rid our minds of the situation we are facing is to consider the needs of others and not the “helpless estate” of ourselves. It is within YOU to be the catalyst for change! Socrates said he believed the secret of change is to focus all of your energy, building the new, not on focussing on the past or even the present. Building is great – but for me,  the best thing to get my mind off of ME or my circumstances, is to focus on someone else’s needs. Prayer allows us to “share” our burden rather than wrap ourselves in the all-too-familiar blanket of pity.

COVID was (is) a devastating blow to so many familiar aspects of life. I saw companies that were barely hanging on…fail. Unrooted relationships that caved. Dreams of futures – faded. To see so many things that were permanently affected, makes you wonder if we were “building” too fast – hoping too much and assuming things would always be as they were. The reality is: we live in a constantly changing world and we shouldn’t cement ourselves into a way-of-life or a way of thinking…because it could all change tomorrow…for worse or for better!

“Don’t become so focused on the process, that you lose sight of the goal”

One of my favorite movies (Blade Runner) has a powerful scene where in a future world a robot (Rutger Hauer) interacts with a human (Harrison Ford) and talks about being egocentric when we ignore the possibility that there are other people, other existences than just those we recognize and embrace.  “I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe… Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion… I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.” Life has not been in vain, but if you think it is going to get any easier – you might be in for a tough road. Bad things happen, sad things happen…and they will happen again. Don’t get stuck in the “victim” mentality but rather, look at yourself in a new light…more like a SURVIVOR!   We got this!

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