It is inevitable that we are all on a path to the final day we will draw a breath. How are we living each day? Are we just passing each day with the goal of making it to the next?
For some people, they spend many years trying to discover and define what "success" is. If you are carrying a heavy load it is not a bad just has to remain balanced.
Elton John nailed this one "Sorry seems to be the hardest word" - Humility is hard. It is as natural as flying is to whales. "Gratitude is free to give and priceless to receive."
What if everything that has happened to you in life has led to today? What if every person you met, every failure you suffered, every dime you won or loss, every sad, beautiful or lonely day has led you to…
We have all heard “If it’s worth’s worth doing right” - but often times it is easy to get bogged down in simply trying to meet the demand of 'numbers'. Maybe even developing a few self-defeating goals.
"If you have money is the least of your problems." A new mindset and healthy financial habits will surely make a difference in your future.
If you take the steps that are needed to reach your goals, you just may find out that the steps themselves are the best part of the process, and whatever comes next is just gravy.