You can either embrace it, learn from it and grow - or sit in a cesspool of anger, shame and regret and go backward instead of forward. Be the difference!
These days, we're constantly being sold something. I've put together some tidbits of sales lessons, techniques and good practices I have picked up through the years.
Sometimes a 'turn' comes up much too fast, or unexpectedly. or maybe just not in keeping with my expectations. Life is full of unexpected turns and shifts.
You snooze you lose - truer words have never been written. Is hitting the snooze button telling yourself it's ok to start your day without discipline or accountability.?
Your attitude is about the ONLY thing you have control over. It doesn't matter the direction of the wind, it’s how you set your sail that will move you forward.
Keep a monitor of what you are choosing to dedicate "oxygen" to and make sure ultimately your choices are the right priority for your tasks and goals and dreams.