Doomed – we’re all doomed!

Be careful to not allow your day or your life or your plans to be affected by the imagination of stalking anacondas and Yetis that simply are not there.
Bottle rocket sticks

If you don't have people that are by your side encouraging you, challenging you and helping's gonna be a frustrating and long journey.
At all costs? Really?

Our decisions on how to respond to ethical dilemmas are not just single responses but, over time, they collectively form who we are at our core. 
The UNFAIR advantage  (not.)

In one moment, I felt I had a considerable upper hand only to discover that the very thing I was using for my advantage was also my biggest detriment.
How do you FALL?

If you learn how to fall "right" it can help you turn a painful dangerous event in to one that you can recover from and come out on the better side of things.